9 research outputs found

    Srsf1 and Elavl1 act antagonistically on neuronal fate choice in the developing neocortex by controlling TrkC receptor isoform expression

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    The seat of higher-order cognitive abilities in mammals, the neocortex, is a complex structure, organized in several layers. The different subtypes of principal neurons are distributed in precise ratios and at specific positions in these layers and are generated by the same neural progenitor cells (NPCs), steered by a spatially and temporally specified combination of molecular cues that are incompletely understood. Recently, we discovered that an alternatively spliced isoform of the TrkC receptor lacking the kinase domain, TrkC-T1, is a determinant of the corticofugal projection neuron (CFuPN) fate. Here, we show that the finely tuned balance between TrkC-T1 and the better known, kinase domain-containing isoform, TrkC-TK+, is cell type-specific in the developing cortex and established through the antagonistic actions of two RNA-binding proteins, Srsf1 and Elavl1. Moreover, our data show that Srsf1 promotes the CFuPN fate and Elavl1 promotes the callosal projection neuron (CPN) fate in vivo via regulating the distinct ratios of TrkC-T1 to TrkC-TK+. Taken together, we connect spatio-temporal expression of Srsf1 and Elavl1 in the developing neocortex with the regulation of TrkC alternative splicing and transcript stability and neuronal fate choice, thus adding to the mechanistic and functional understanding of alternative splicing in vivo

    Adhesion dynamics in the neocortex determine the start of migration and the post-migratory orientation of neurons.

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    peer reviewedThe neocortex is stereotypically organized into layers of excitatory neurons arranged in a precise parallel orientation. Here we show that dynamic adhesion both preceding and following radial migration is essential for this organization. Neuronal adhesion is regulated by the Mowat-Wilson syndrome-associated transcription factor Zeb2 (Sip1/Zfhx1b) through direct repression of independent adhesion pathways controlled by Neuropilin-1 (Nrp1) and Cadherin-6 (Cdh6). We reveal that to initiate radial migration, neurons must first suppress adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Zeb2 regulates the multipolar stage by transcriptional repression of Nrp1 and thereby downstream inhibition of integrin signaling. Upon completion of migration, neurons undergo an orientation process that is independent of migration. The parallel organization of neurons within the neocortex is controlled by Cdh6 through atypical regulation of integrin signaling via its RGD motif. Our data shed light on the mechanisms that regulate initiation of radial migration and the postmigratory orientation of neurons during neocortical development

    Optimizing Nervous System-Specific Gene Targeting with Cre Driver Lines: Prevalence of Germline Recombination and Influencing Factors.

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    The Cre-loxP system is invaluable for spatial and temporal control of gene knockout, knockin, and reporter expression in the mouse nervous system. However, we report varying probabilities of unexpected germline recombination in distinct Cre driver lines designed for nervous system-specific recombination. Selective maternal or paternal germline recombination is showcased with sample Cre lines. Collated data reveal germline recombination in over half of 64 commonly used Cre driver lines, in most cases with a parental sex bias related to Cre expression in sperm or oocytes. Slight differences among Cre driver lines utilizing common transcriptional control elements affect germline recombination rates. Specific target loci demonstrated differential recombination; thus, reporters are not reliable proxies for another locus of interest. Similar principles apply to other recombinase systems and other genetically targeted organisms. We hereby draw attention to the prevalence of germline recombination and provide guidelines to inform future research for the neuroscience and broader molecular genetics communities

    PCSK9 deficiency alters brain lipid composition without affecting brain development and function

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    PCSK9 induces lysosomal degradation of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) in the liver, hereby preventing removal of LDL cholesterol from the circulation. Accordingly, PCSK9 inhibitory antibodies and siRNA potently reduce LDL cholesterol to unprecedented low levels and are approved for treatment of hypercholesterolemia. In addition, PCSK9 inactivation alters the levels of several other circulating lipid classes and species. Brain function is critically influenced by cholesterol and lipid composition. However, it remains unclear how the brain is affected long-term by the reduction in circulating lipids as achieved with potent lipid lowering therapeutics such as PCSK9 inhibitors. Furthermore, it is unknown if locally expressed PCSK9 affects neuronal circuits through regulation of receptor levels. We have studied the effect of lifelong low peripheral cholesterol levels on brain lipid composition and behavior in adult PCSK9 KO mice. In addition, we studied the effect of PCSK9 on neurons in culture and in vivo in the developing cerebral cortex. We found that PCSK9 reduced LDLR and neurite complexity in cultured neurons, but neither PCSK9 KO nor overexpression affected cortical development in vivo. Interestingly, PCSK9 deficiency resulted in changes of several lipid classes in the adult cortex and cerebellum. Despite the observed changes, PCSK9 KO mice had unchanged behavior compared to WT controls. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that altered PCSK9 levels do not compromise brain development or function in mice, and are in line with clinical trials showing that PCSK9 inhibitors have no adverse effects on cognitive function

    The murine ortholog of Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome protein Ube3b regulates synapse number by ubiquitinating Ppp3cc.

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    Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome (KOS) is a severe autosomal recessive disorder characterized by intellectual disability, developmental delays, microcephaly, and characteristic dysmorphisms. Biallelic mutations of UBE3B, encoding for a ubiquitin ligase E3B are causative for KOS. In this report, we characterize neuronal functions of its murine ortholog Ube3b and show that Ube3b regulates dendritic branching in a cell-autonomous manner. Moreover, Ube3b knockout (KO) neurons exhibit increased density and aberrant morphology of dendritic spines, altered synaptic physiology, and changes in hippocampal circuit activity. Dorsal forebrain-specific Ube3b KO animals show impaired spatial learning, altered social interactions, and repetitive behaviors. We further demonstrate that Ube3b ubiquitinates the catalytic γ-subunit of calcineurin, Ppp3cc, the overexpression of which phenocopies Ube3b loss with regard to dendritic spine density. This work provides insights into the molecular pathologies underlying intellectual disability-like phenotypes in a genetically engineered mouse model.This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (SPP1365/KA3423/1-1 and KA3423/3-1, HK; DFG TA 303/4-2, VT), and the Russian Scientific Foundation (19-14-00345, VT), JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 15K21769 (HK), The Mother and Child Health Foundation (HK), the Uehara Memorial Foundation (HK), and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (HK). Funding to SM and PBS was provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Center for Stroke Research Berlin 01EO1301), the BMBF under the ERA-NET NEURON scheme (01EW1811), and the German Research Foundation (DFG, Project 428869206 and EXC NeuroCure)

    Optimizing Nervous System-Specific Gene Targeting with Cre Driver Lines: Prevalence of Germline Recombination and Influencing Factors

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